The totem
- Totems are a difficult concept to explain …
- A totem is a spiritual creature, but it is not a god. You do not worship a totem, you follow it. A totem embodies a certain way of life - a representation of a set of ideals.
- "You do not choose your totem. Your totem chooses you"
— Corax, '"Raven as a Totem"
Let's leave aside for a moment what totem Syd is referring to and look at just how familiar the word "totem" might be for Syd, because there's a place Syd visited quite deeply where the word is definitely used: the Spanish island of Formentera.
Visiting Formentera and looking for the best beaches for sunbathing, one often comes across strange man-made buildings; here on the island they call them "totems" and they are often built of piles of stones and various kinds of material brought ashore by the sea. The totems are of different sizes and are mostly erected by the hippies but not always, also by kids and passers-by, and they are often created for fun or as good omens.
The totems are often situated in the area towards Es Vedrà and, intrigued by these sights, we have toured the entire island in search of the most characteristic.— translation from "Tótems de Piedra", Night&Day Magazine
Corax. "Raven as a Totem." Web.
javi. "Tótems de Piedra." Night&Day Mag: Formentera Agosto 2011: 34-35. Issuu, 31 Jul. 2011. Web.