A circle of grey 4

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Go to iii. The totem
Go to iv. The far distant shore
Go to v. Driftwood
Go to vi. Dry tears
Go to vii. A circle of grey
Go to viii. To be found…
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page 74

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A couple of poems from recent years may represent a circle of dull people.

Grey people around me stretch their hands
Grey people want me to deny who I am
Grey people covered with dust of their cries
Grey people, icons of violence and lies

— laeri, "Gray People"

Grey people always makes us swayed
By trickery they mastered to play
Or kindness that slips some way

— maria sudibyo, "Art Of Grey"

But an excerpt from Ibanez's 1919 book The Dead Command may also represent that:

In the tower he threw himself upon his couch and tried to sleep. All alone! He reflected upon his isolation, surrounded by people who respected him, who, perhaps, even loved him, but at the same time felt in irresistible attraction for their simple pleasures which were insipid to him.

— Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, The Dead Command

Grey people could also be seen as conformist and easily swayable people, like the sailors who praised the Albatross as if it was their toy and were ready to blame the Ancient Mariner for shooting the lucky omen down, but supported the crime when it seemed to bring good luck, changing their minds again when luck gave them no more golden eggs, blaming the Mariner even more heavily...

sources →

laeri. "Gray People." Web. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs29/f/2008/052/7/1/Gray_People_by_laeri.html
maria sudibyo, "Art Of Grey." Web. http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/art-of-grey/
Ibáñez, Vicente Blasco. The Dead Command. Trans. Frances Douglas. New York: Duffield & Company, 1919. 195. Print. http://www.archive.org/stream/deadcommand00blasiala#page/194/mode/2up